Because none of their progessive, flexible, stimulus-spending chief executives ever had the moxie to call Rush Limbuagh an idiot. In an interview published on Real Clear Politics, Governor Sanford was asked about those people in his party who want President Obama to fail. The biggest example of that sentiment is Ditto-Head-In-Chief, Rush Limbaugh, who said, on the eve of the inauguration, "I hope he fails." Sanford replied, "I don't want him to fail. Anybody who wants him to fail is an idiot, because it means we're all in trouble."
Now, the Governor and I disagree about a lot of things. But at least we agree one thing: Rush Limbaugh is an idiot.
I'll be impressed if he can withstand the blowback from the rabid conservative attack dogs.
Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) said something similar and the next day was groveling for forgiveness.
Let's hope Sanford has more testicular fortitude than Gingrey displayed.
Sanford, going down in flames of embarrassment. At least he said something about comedian Limbaugh.
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